terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

The Price of Death

Life is really interesting and something that needs no explanation. The only certainty we have about life is that we should enjoy it as much as possible without fear of taking risks and without fear of being happy. When you were born, born with only one certainty, the certainty of death. From the moment of our first breath we know that from then on our days of life are with expiration date. Perhaps this is the main reason why thousands of people cling to religion and believe in a higher being, a creator who rules the universe, believing that there is life after death, the eternal life.
I do not believe in life after death, as I do not believe in a higher being, but totally respect people who believe. Born knowing that we will die is really very difficult to accept, but I see life as something totally awesome, life is just living every moment, every hour, minute, second, every breath, every blink of an eye, every beat of our hearts, life is everything and everything is life.
We are born with the assurance that we will die, but at the same time we are born with the assurance that we will have a whole life ahead, no matter how old we live, the important thing is to live each moment as if it were unique and being who you are, who your heart asks you to be. Death is simply the closure of a life that you've cultivated, so I'm not afraid to dream, to love, to fall in love, to make mistakes, I'm not afraid to live.
Although many people do not accept and do not agree, death is simply the value of life. If death did not exist life would have no value. Nothing lasts forever, everything ends, and this is just amazing, because this way we seize every moment more, we should seize. What happens is that many people do not know how to live, as many people are afraid to live.
During the life you have to have purposes, ideals, goals, objectives, something for which you are willing to live, and likewise, you must have something for wich you are willing to die. We men, we are heroes, we give our blood and our lives for our country in war; parents give their lives for a son or a son gives or should give his life for his parents, a man extremely passionate that believes in true love gives his life by his love. These are facts that show another face of death, are facts that show "The Price of Death’’.
The price of death may be love, hate, friendship, you can choose the price of death. Die for someone you love, for example, is the price of the death of an honorable and dignified life of idolatry, a meaningful life, a life that had a purpose and certainly a life that was worthwhile.
Do not live in vain, enjoy every second of your life, do not waste time lamenting losses, get up and start all over again. Never let it make you feel that your life is worthless, that not worth living for what you believe and what you dream. More than living, you need to know how to live, it takes courage, courage to overcome, courage to be a hero, and courage to make your life does not go in vain.
People who know how to live are those who are unmoved by losses, people who believe in happiness, in dreams, in true love, people who leave a little of himself in every person you know, people who make each moment a unique moment, people who make their presence a strong presence, people who express their opinions, when these people are away, someone misses you, people who leave miss when you leave.
Remember: The way to happiness is not just made of joy; roses have thorns too; the same healing hand can kill; the secret of life is within each one; there is no victory without battle; only the strongest reach the mountaintop, the weak always get in the way, and the weak will never get something significant; strong are those who turn tears into smiles!

Written by Willian Vailate

3 comentários:

  1. Também acho que a vida reserva mistérios que jamais alguém descobriu, talvez algo que vá além da morte e que está oculto.


  2. Existem coisas entre o céu e a terra que jamais supõe nossa vã filosofia."

    adorei o texto principalmente a parte:"a morte é simplesmente a valorização da vida"
    muito interessante,e concordo completamente.Meus parabéns.
    caso queira conhecer acima é meu blog,abrç!!!

  3. Poxa, tu não acredita em Deus?
    Também respeito a opinião de cada um, mas nem terminei de ler o texto após essa frase.


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