terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

The Ultimate Dreamer

My tired feet walking to a destination far away...
Trying to find a shelter for my heart...

I feel that the truths we create sometimes are only fantasies,
To hide the fear that we have of live our dreams...

Sometimes life becomes a prison...
And we stay lost in our illusions...

There's a long time that I try to relieve
This anguish that makes me want to throw everything in the air...

How many smiles I lost in solitude,
In search of a world without deception...

I asked for time to change my life...
But this is the price you pay for believing that everything could be better...

Every day I try to escape the nightmare I live...
I'm trying to turn my tears into smiles...

This is a battle that I have to win all the time...
But how to find strength when you feel dead?

The depths of my loneliness hold the answers that I need...
All the dreams and the strength that keeps me alive...

I look to the infinite and I can see my star shining...
She seems to ask me not to stop believing...

My heart became my eyes...
I'm tired of seeing the faces of lies...

When the lights go out I need to be strong
Not to fall into the abyss that exists inside of me...

My hope reborn each day...
I know that tomorrow can be better...

I feel, I wish, I hope...

Written by Willian Vailate

2 comentários:

  1. Paraéns pelo Blog!
    Interessante você tanto em português quanto em inglês, isso com certeza amplia horizontes. A poesia também é legal, continue postando!


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