terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Our Last Goodbye

The sky is crying the end of a beautiful love...
The day dawned dark; you can see the sadness in the face of every flower...
The sound of sirens doesn’t go out of my head...
I'm trapped in a nightmare; I'm being consumed by sorrow...

The stars are losing their strength and stopping to shine...
The birds are on strike and refuse to fly...
On the horizon the silence echoes loneliness...
The world is losing its most beautiful creation...

I can still feel her lips close to mine...
Whispering the most beautiful words in our last goodbye...
She is leaving and has a long way to go...
But the love that she left me will never die...

The Angels just won a new member in their family...
They will take care of her until the end of my days...
It will be hard to wake up and not have her smile...
But wherever you are you will always be with me...

I will live every second for me and for her...
I'm gonna accomplish all our dreams like she always wanted to do...
The best part of her will always be alive in me...
And each day will help me overcome this pain that seems to have no end...

Written by Willian Vailate

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