terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Cries of Silence

Sometimes I hear voices trying to reveal...
The secrets I keep inside myself...
Sometimes I get lost in a world so far...
Where the dreams become fear again...

Sometimes silence brings up my nightmares...
All my mistakes are still alive in me...
Sometimes the distress that invades my feelings...
It makes me feel like I was an enemy of the time...

The values and dreams that I carry with me...
Became prisoners of an enormous loneliness...
I don't see the same brightness that I used to see in the stars...
The horizon that was clear became dark...

I seek in petty things one way to escape...
of the routine of my thoughts...
But I am always lost in the same verses and songs...
That feed my loneliness and give life to my fantasies...

The road is clear for me to follow my path...
 But something seems to keep me pinned to the ground...
 I made some bad choices as you know...
 And the silence scares me because it tells the truth...

But without my knowing something is changing inside of me...
 Today I'm down, but tomorrow I will reborn...
 Sometimes you have to close our eyes to understand...
 And being able to see what hides from you...

I'll let the sun be my only guide...
 And when the night comes the moon will make me company...
 I can already feel the wind touching my face with all its purity...
 Life begins to resurface in my body...

The cries of silence are getting away...
 I'm tired of letting fear guide me...
 From now on a new life is emerging...
 And I am giving only the first step toward a long way...

Written by Willian Vailate

9 comentários:

  1. Belo poema =)
    Sem mais.

    P.S.: está super díficil de comentar, por causa da verificação de palavras

  2. parabéns querido!
    tive q usar o google tradutor, mas achoque entendi bem a mensagem!

  3. Mandou bem, brother!
    Segue nessa que tu vai longe!

  4. Sempre com bons poemas Willian. Ta aí mais um deles.

  5. Eu tmb já fui assim, deixava o medo me guiar. Hj mando tudo pra PQP.

  6. Muito bom.
    Assim como os outros que li.

  7. Magnifico, eu diria.
    Um devaneio sobre as verdades que o silêncio interior nos dá. As vezes assustadoras, porêm, verdades inegáveis que temos que encarar face a face para podermos caminhar com o coração em paz e o espirito elevado.

    Sinto-me emocionado pelo teu poema, pois creio que esta era tua intenção como criador desta maravilha.

    Um abraço deste que vos fala.



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