terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

My Life With or Without You

Another day that I wake up lost in my thoughts...
Your voice, your look, your smile, everything sounds so perfect...
I turn the radio on and let your favorite music playing...
I draw on every verse and word of your look...

I laugh alone without reason or motive; I spend hours admiring the infinite...
I imagine a perfect world, even though nothing in it makes sense...
Sometimes this feeling seems to make me crazy, I've never felt anything like this...
I feel that the passion that I saw as impossible can become real...

Suddenly the fear speaks louder and I feel weak to face the truth...
The will I feel at this moment is to escape from reality...
I pretend that I fool my heart and it pretends it is being fooled...
A game of lies that just keeps me trapped...

So many things I'd like to tell you, but I do not even know where to start...
I want to be free to live my dreams, and I want to get free...
Your mere presence is enough to resurrect me...
I spend all my nights dreaming of you...

Life seems so much more beautiful when I'm with you...
My fears are transformed into a crazy desire to have you...
My wishes and my dreams are incomplete without you...
But we can not always have everything we want...

Written by Willian Vailate

Um comentário:

  1. Olha, já pensou em transformar isso em uma música? Achei que tem boa sonoridade



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