terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

The Theatre of Truth

Do not be fooled, the truth is hidden...
You should look for it or settle for a lie...
The theater is well done, and we usually accept...
Any incorrect story as a spectacular work...

The world is dominated by powerful minds...
That cheats you easily and still brings you roses...
We are children of the world and prisoners of power...
But we are still the majority; there are still chances to win...

Is it so difficult to live with the truth?
We do not know to distinguish a hero than a coward...
But what power I have to say what is right?
I'm just a being in a huge universe...

The world's problems are interconnected...
We are heading for a rough and tragic end...
But we still rely only on our forces...
We can fight with dignity, or else accept the gallows...

Written by Willian Vailate

2 comentários:

  1. A verdade está nas mãos de poucos! devemos ter conciência e persistência pela busca da verdade, para emfim ver o mundo como é na realidade


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