sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2011

Nuvens Negras

Eu pensei que poderia mudar o mundo,
Mas eu tinha alguns sonhos...

Eu pensei que o mundo iria me entender,
Mas eu sempre quis demais...

Eu aprendi a cair e levantar,
Mas nunca desistir...

Há dias em que as nuvens negras cobrem o sol,
Mas mesmo assim ele não deixa de brilhar...

Porque por trás de cada nuvem negra,
um lindo céu azul...

E as estrelas que brilham neste céu,
Mantém viva a esperança em mim...

As luzes de nossos sonhos são a nossa arma
Contra todo tipo de escuridão...

Um sonho não é apenas um sonho,
Quando você acredita que pode torná-la real...

Escrito por Willian Vailate

quarta-feira, 26 de janeiro de 2011

O Último Sonhador

Meus pés cansados caminham até um destino distante...
Tentando encontrar um abrigo para o meu coração...

Eu sinto que as verdades que criamos às vezes são apenas fantasias,
Para esconder o medo que temos de viver os nossos sonhos...

Às vezes a vida se torna uma prisão...
E ficamos perdidos em nossas ilusões...

Há quanto tempo eu tento me libertar,
Dessa angústia que me faz querer jogar tudo pro ar...

Quantos sorrisos eu perdi na solidão,
Na busca de um mundo sem decepção...

Eu pedi pro tempo mudar minha vida...
Mas este é o preço que se paga por acreditar que tudo poderia ser melhor...

Eu tento fugir a cada dia do pesadelo que eu vivo...
Estou tentando transformar minhas lágrimas em sorrisos...

Essa é uma batalha que eu tenho que vencer o tempo todo...
Mas como encontrar forças quando você já se sente morto?

O fundo da minha solidão guarda as respostas que eu preciso...
Todos os sonhos e a força que me mantém vivo...

Eu olho para o infinito e posso ver minha estrela brilhar...
Ela parece pedir para eu não parar de acreditar...

Meu coração se tornou meus olhos...
Cansei de enxergar as faces da mentira...

Quando as luzes se apagam eu preciso ser forte,
Para não cair no abismo que existe dentro de mim...

A minha esperança renasce a cada dia...
Eu sei que o amanhã pode sim ser melhor...

Eu sinto, eu desejo, eu espero...

Escrito por Willian Vailate

O Espelho

Diante dos meus olhos, sorrisos que você não vê.
O mundo desaparece, seus olhos não se movem...
O inferno está diante de você.

Você tenta esconder o que está em toda parte, fingindo não saber...
Seu espelho só reflete a imagem enganosa que sempre quis ter.

Ver como as pessoas lhe vêem é mentir para si mesmo, é encarar a realidade...
Situações falsas embaladas pelo medo pra defender sua identidade.

No espelho o homem busca a confirmação da imagem que faz de si mesmo...
Espelho perverso que força a travessia do “mim” para o “mim” mesmo.

Na luz da própria consciência, sua existência é uma falsidade...
Buscando olhos que lhe desejem e que confirmem sua personalidade.

Uma imagem congelada, um galho morto que o fogo vai queimar...
Esperando que lhe salvem das suas profundezas para se libertar

Lutar de cara limpa é vencer a desconfiança e provar sua honestidade...
É vencer a guerra contra tudo e contra todos apenas com verdades...
E manter acesa a chama que aquece o seu coração.

Seu espelho só reflete a imagem enganosa que sempre quis ter...

Escrito por: Willian Vailate

terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

George Carlin – A Great Genius of Comedy

            George Denis Patrick Carlin was born in New York City on May 12, 1937. He was a famous American stand-up comedian, actor, social critic, author, and in my opinion a great genius and philosopher. With Lenny Bruce, George Carlin was the pioneer of the social critic humor, which made ​​him famous and at the same time made him being arrested several times while acting in the seventies.
            Carlin was noted for his black humor as well as his thoughts on politics, psychology, religion, and various taboo subjects. Although raised in the Roman Catholic faith, Carlin was an atheist and a staunch critic of religion that defended secular values. He pointed out the flaws of organized religion in interviews and performances.
Language was a frequent focus of Carlin's work. Euphemisms that in his view seek to distort and lie and the use of language he felt was pompous, presumptuous, or silly were often the target of Carlin's routines. Carlin also gave special attention to prominent topics in American and Western Culture, such as obsession with fame and celebrity, consumerism, Christianity, political alienation, corporate control, hypocrisy, child raising, fast food diet, news stations, self-help publications, blind patriotism, sexual taboos, certain uses of technology and surveillance, and the pro-life position, among many others.
''Seven Dirty Words'' is one of the most famous and polemic comedy routines of George Carlin. The ''Seven Dirty Words'' are seven English-language words that George Carlin first listed in 1972 in his monologue "Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television". At the time, the words were considered highly inappropriate and unsuitable for broadcast on the public airwaves in the United States, whether radio or television. As such, they were avoided in scripted material, and bleep-censored in the rare cases in which they were used. The list wasn't an official enumeration of forbidden words, but rather was compiled by Carlin. The original seven words were: shit; piss; fuck; cunt; cocksucker; motherfucker; and tits. Carlin and his "Seven Dirty Words" comedy routine were central to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1978 that in a narrow decision by the justices affirmed the government's power to regulate indecent material on the public airwaves. In recent years, all of the words on Carlin's list have come into commonplace usage in many sitcoms and film productions.
George Carlin had a history of cardiac problems spanning several decades. In early 2005 he entered a drug rehabilitation facility for treatment of addictions to alcohol and Vicodin. On June 22, 2008, Carlin was admitted to Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica after experiencing chest pain, and he died later that day of heart failure. He was 71 years old. His death occurred one week after his last performance at The Orleans Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas. In accordance with his wishes, he was cremated, his ashes scattered, and no public or religious services of any kind were held.
During his long and successful career George Carlin appeared in several films and TV series. He has also voiced animated films like ''Cars'' and ''Happily N'Ever After''. He starred fourteen stand-up comedy specials for HBO. The first one was filmed in 1977 and his final HBO special, ‘’It's Bad for Ya’’, was filmed less than four months before his death.
George Carlin won five Grammy Awards for his comedy albums. In 2004, Carlin placed second on the Comedy Central list of the 100 greatest stand-up comedians of all time, ahead of Lenny Bruce and behind Richard Pryor. In 2008, he was awarded the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor, which made him the first posthumous recipient.

Some Quotes from George Carlin

‘Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.’
‘Honesty may be the best policy, but it’s important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.’
‘So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.”
‘By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.’
‘I have as much authority as the Pope, I just don't have as many people who believe it.’
‘I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death.’
‘Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist.’
‘People who say they don't care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don't care what people think.’
‘The reason I talk to myself is that I'm the only one whose answers I accept.’
‘There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls.’

Curiosities about George Carlin

-       Carlin didn't vote and often criticized elections as an illusion of choice. He said he last voted for George McGovern, who ran for President against Richard Nixon in 1972.
-       Carlin openly communicated in his shows and in his interviews that his purpose for existence was entertainment, that he was "here for the show’’. He used to say: "I have always been willing to put myself at great personal risk for the sake of entertainment. And I've always been willing to put you at great personal risk, for the same reason!"

The Mirror

Before my eyes, smiles that you do not see.
The world disappears, your eyes do not move...
Hell is before you.

You try to hide what is everywhere, pretending not to know...
Your mirror reflects only the misleading image that you always wanted to have.

See how people see you is lying to yourself.  It is to face reality ...
False situations packed by the fear, only to defend your identity.

In the mirror the man seeks confirmation of the image that creates of himself...
The perverse mirror that forces the change between 'me' and 'me' even.

In the light of your conscience, your existence is a lie...
You're looking for eyes that follow you, only to confirm your personality.

One frozen image, a dead branch that the fire will burn...
Hoping someone to save you from your own depths and then to break free.

Fighting with a clean face is overcoming the distrust and prove your honesty...
It is winning the war against everything and everyone only with truths...
And keep alive the flame that warms your heart.

Your mirror reflects only the misleading image that you always wanted to have...

Written by Willian Vailate

What World Do You See?

I see the fear destroying destinations
I see dreams lost along the way
Thousands of kisses without any feeling
Small defects that will be forgotten with time

I see love slowly disappearing
So I close my eyes and keep moving forward
I see the truth burning in the bonfire of vanities
I see, but I do not want to see, a world full of falsity

What do you see when you close your eyes?
What will happen with tomorrow if today is consuming us?
How do you feel fooling yourself?
What to do when compassion is engulfed by hatred?

I see liars being treated as kings of truth
I see bandits dressed as priests
I see the dignity being bought by money
I see the character becoming rare

I see human values ​​struggling to survive
I see the true feelings struggling not to disappear
I see the flame of hope is weak but it stills alive
I see that the world needs to restore its benevolence

Flowers bloom even in the sad gardens
Dreams only become real for those who do not give up
You have to keep stand and fight with persistence
We are the change and hope that the world waits with urgency

Written by Willian Vailate

Nobody Will See My Image Reflected In the Rock Bottom

Probably this world will never be what I expected
Probably I will never be all that I wanted to be
But I'll never leave my feelings
I will never abandon my quest for the best

I always knew it wouldn't be easy
And I also know that will never be easy
Keeping a dream alive without letting it die slowly
But it is not just a dream, it's about life

I can't let fear plan my fall
So I need to leave it before I fall
I can't let the pain grows each day
So I need to leave it before it consumes me

I remember when I said I'm nothing without my dreams
And I continue to believe in it
Nobody will see my image reflected in the rock bottom
You're wrong if you think that you're gonna watch my fall

I may stumble along the way
And maybe sometimes choose the wrong direction
But there's always time to get up
There's always time to come back to the right direction

I will not say I've had enough
And I will not stop too
I can't escape from all things
But I can face them

We can't retrieve the time we lost
But we can enjoy more the time we have
We can get something more for our lives
Something more than just stay alive

Written by Willian Vailate

In The Course Of Time

The days make me older...
The time makes me wiser...
The defeats teach me and make me stronger...
The victories make me carry on...

I learned to see the world in another way...
I learned to go beyond the false impressions...
I learned to appreciate every little detail...
I learned to find the beauty hidden behind common sense...

The disappointments have made me colder...
The dreams have made me stronger...
The lies have made me more skeptical and observant...
The truths have made me more demanding...

They say they don't know what I'm doing...
I say they don't even know who they are...
They say I should do differently...
I say that they don't even know where to go...

My desire to win never rests...
I left the fear somewhere along the way...
I have to make my life make sense...
And nobody can do it for me...

No matter how much I'll have to try...
I'll try until I get...
Living for what makes me happy...
Living for what makes me live...

Written by Willian Vailate

A New World

The light gradually gets lost in the darkness
The boundaries between dream and reality disappear
You're diving deep into yourself
In a difficult path between your emotions and false impressions

Images and words begin to flow freely
The wound caused by your naive egotism is cicatrizing
Life seems to be reborn in you
And you no longer feel alienated in a meaningless world

The sky begins to get a new shade of blue
Nature invites you to discover a new world
A world where there are no angels or gods
And not even a hell under your feet

You can see a beauty that could not see before
Every detail has become more alive
You do not need anything supernatural
Because you are part of a fabulous nature and full of life

Mistakes and fears left behind
The ingenuity and the lie don't satisfy you anymore
You no longer need to disguise your wishes
Nobody can prevent you from fighting to win

You are unable to know the world without knowing yourself
And now everything makes sense
You are who creates meaning for your life
You are who create the person you are

Without differences there is no beauty and there is no life without respect
You've never been so sure of what is happiness
From now on you're going to live for today and for what makes you happy
There is a long way to the top and you can not lose more time

Written by Willian Vailate

Quotes - Part 2

‘You can try to hide yourself, and even believe in your own lies, but at some point in life you will have to meet with yourself, and only this day you will discover who you really are.’ (Willian Vailate)

‘Not everything always goes right, but do not be afraid to take risks, make your choice and if something goes wrong you have wisdom to tackle the obstacles, the overcoming is the secret to success.’ (Willian Vailate)

‘For me, being alive is very different from living. Living is an art, an art that unfortunately few dominate...’ (Willian Vailate)

‘The voice of the people is the voice of the people, and nobody else’ (Willian Vailate)

‘Nothing guarantees that our senses are reliable, intuition does not always work. We must learn to analyze every detail, without making snap judgments.’ (Willian Vailate)

‘A dream is not just a dream when you believe you can make it real.’ (Willian Vailate)

‘Fear gives you two possibilities: courage or cowardice... You can choose the one you prefer!’ (Willian Vailate)

Written by Willian Vailate

My Life With or Without You

Another day that I wake up lost in my thoughts...
Your voice, your look, your smile, everything sounds so perfect...
I turn the radio on and let your favorite music playing...
I draw on every verse and word of your look...

I laugh alone without reason or motive; I spend hours admiring the infinite...
I imagine a perfect world, even though nothing in it makes sense...
Sometimes this feeling seems to make me crazy, I've never felt anything like this...
I feel that the passion that I saw as impossible can become real...

Suddenly the fear speaks louder and I feel weak to face the truth...
The will I feel at this moment is to escape from reality...
I pretend that I fool my heart and it pretends it is being fooled...
A game of lies that just keeps me trapped...

So many things I'd like to tell you, but I do not even know where to start...
I want to be free to live my dreams, and I want to get free...
Your mere presence is enough to resurrect me...
I spend all my nights dreaming of you...

Life seems so much more beautiful when I'm with you...
My fears are transformed into a crazy desire to have you...
My wishes and my dreams are incomplete without you...
But we can not always have everything we want...

Written by Willian Vailate


The fear is inside you and it consumes you every second...
You're drowning in a cold dark abyss...
Tired of losing in your own game of lies...
You are in free-fall, lost in your own feelings...

You can't wake up from this nightmare...
Terrifying screams echo around you...
You don't feel strong enough to escape...
You are being taken far away, to where you never been before...

Your mask was taken off for the first time...
You can't find yourself...
The ghost that lives inside of you has been released...
A voice calls you to know your own essence...

There are no masks to hide and even lies to believe...
All this time you were fooling yourself...
You turned dreams into delusions and lies into truths...
Everything is clear now, you've been unchained...

Soon you will awaken from this nightmare...
And all you want is to dream again...
It's as if you had slept for centuries...
And suddenly you open your eyes in a bright new world...

Now you really know who you are...
And there's no time to lose, because life invites you to live...
There is no reason to feel depressed by childhood fears...
Now you can fly high without fear of falling...

Written by Willian Vailate

Quotes - Part 1

‘People are not afraid to face your fears, they are afraid of losing their fears ... After all, it's comforting to have fears!’ (Willian Vailate)

‘Most humans are not content with only one life; they must believe in eternal life, it just proves how much they are dissatisfied and accommodated! Life is different to survive, we need to live longer and survive less!’ (Willian Vailate)

‘I can lose an argument, but I never lose my reason. It is unnecessary speak loudly, it's no use having millions of followers, we must act with reason! Denying the evidence and deny the truth is not laudable, is simply ignorance!’ (Willian Vailate)

‘Time is really a good medicine, but since you learn from it and learn to use it for your sake!’ (Willian Vailate)

‘In the course of time we give more value to every detail, we become more observant! Life doesn't get easier but we make it easier!’ (Willian Vailate)

‘Most people do not like to face the truth because it is much easier to live with the lie... Poor alienated world!’ (Willian Vailate)

Written by Willian Vailate

The True Meaning of Life

I do not care about not going to heaven...
Because this would be just an illusion of comfort...

I do not believe in everything I see...
 Because the lie has many faces...

I want to enjoy the light that shines through your eyes...
 I do not need the lights of eternity...

Everyone has their limits...
And I can not be anybody but myself...

We can not change what happened and passed...
But we can make a better day...

You should always seek the truth...
 Because sometimes you just see what people want you to see...

Maybe you need a little time to wake up...
 Maybe you do not really want to know...

Just let your life makes sense...
 And seek freedom for your most cruel doubts...

Feel the love, live and witness the beauty of life...
Nature is a show and doesn't need heaven life...

The world is waiting to show you the beauty you do not know...
But you must go to them and do not expect them to come to you...

See how your garden grows and enjoy the sunrise...
 Let that love exists inside of you...

Let your thoughts sound like music in the air...
Do not be afraid to break free...

Live every day throughout the time of your life...
Because each day is unique, and that's all you have...

It's up to us to choose in what world we're going to live...
And it's up to us to seek beauty and true meaning of life...

Written by Willian Vailate